Overview Media Manual Joytrol F.A.Q Download
Welcome to the world of MorphTrack!

What is MorphTrack?!?

         MorphTrack is a LightWave 3D plugin designed to give you easier control while animating facial expressions. MorphTrack is a set of tracks that each represent one morph. It has a timeline at the bottom with an advanced zooming system. To understand what MorphTrack does, it could also be described as a "Morph Sheet" or "Morph Table". What MorphTrack allows you to do is view and set the values of the morphs you want to animate at all times at one time.


System requirements:

         The only requirement for MorphTrack is to have a working and installed version of LightWave 3D [8].

Price and payment

         We try to keep our plugins at a low price to allow as many users as possible to benefit from our tools. We don't want only those who need it to have the privilege of using it, but rather everyone.

         MorphTrack currently comes with Joytrol. The current price of Joytrol is $45.00.

         For more information about Joytrol, visit the Joytrol page.

         We curently accept only payment through PayPal. If you can't use PayPal for one reason or another, don't hesitate to contact us at: sales@kvaalen.com.


         MorphTrack comes with Mr.Lips set up with morphs ready to talk.

Free MorphTrack Timeline

         It is possible to download the MorphTrack timeline as an alternative to the LightWave timeline for free.

It's advantages over the LightWave timeline are:
  • It can be placed anywhere (even outside the LightWave window)
  • It has an advanced zooming feature that allows you to zoom in on to a section of the timeline. The section can be panned by ALT + dragging and scaled by CTRL + ALT dragging
  • you can add/remove markers and skip to the next or previous ones
MT_Timeline can be downloaded from the following link (note: this is the timeline alone!): mt_timeline_v1.0.zip (~36 kb)


         If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us at: sales@kvaalen.com.
Overview : Media : Manual : Joytrol : F.A.Q : Download